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20.10.22 | 20:00



Mamo by Elik Niv

Eight women from the rural Izrael Valley are retesting phenomena, events & choices that accompanied and shaped their life.

Through reconstruction and rebuilding pieces of their past they expose situations of pain and humor, passion, life & death in personal border breaking expression, via voice, movement & text.

Through a long mutual Dialogue between the participants and Elik; contents & research questions formed into a physical/performative expression that through the process have become an artistic statement. The subjects we researched Include motherhood, femininity ,body images, sexuality in the 3rd age, trauma of loss, violence, fantasy & more, Biographically the work travels along the line of time & the images placed on that path.

The initiation point begins by traveling back in time to their past as children & young women and continues on to their reality as elderly women in the present time, it ends with their confrontation with death which is awaits at the door. The work is multidisciplinary, it makes use of Visual Images, Dance, Singing, Sculpting & creates a unique character & color to each story which enriches the content with new & surprising points of view.

Concept, choreography & direction: Elik Niv

Dancers/Creators: Yehudit Rivko, Yaffa Kurnt, Miri Lahav, Merav Sudaey, Nitzan Rivlin

Feldman,,Ruthi Ronen, Rachel Michael, Talma Nevo

Stage design, costume design & artistic advice: Merav Sudaey

Mask design & construction: Yaffa kurnt

Dramaturgy: Yael Zitron

Artistic advice: Penny Hess Yassour

Artistic advice & performance workshops: Pietro Qudrino

Advice, support & organization: Alina Z'otovxki - Stage program -Research institute dance

qualification (codacted by Or Marin & Oren Nachom)

Video (projections): Sima Levin, Nitzan Rivlin Feldman

Singing & text for the monster song: Adi Luz

Special thanks to: Oz Zloff, an artist and co-founder of "Tarbut'' movement that encourages

art in the community wich "Mamo" group was formed.

Nitzan Rivlin & her family together with Kibbutz Yizre'el for the kind hosting


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